How to get the MOST out of your next tradeshow…. after ACCA Orlando 2024

shows what happens to our learning when training starts and when training stops

What were the best experiences for you at ACCA Orlando 2024? There is something incredible about an in-person experience. The power of proximity if you will. It does something deeper to us and gives greater energy. Which is one of the reasons that you went. I am sure that you learned some incredible things at […]

National Comfort Institute Partners with Shop On Fire

National Comfort Institute partners with Shop On Fire

  IGNITE your business with coaching from Shop on Fire from the office to the field and receive a caffeine-like injection directly into the heart and soul of your company that helps you and your employees catch fire and continue to burn strong! We here at National Comfort Institute are proud to have them as […]

Shop On Fire owner to show contractors how to grow their business at Orlando ACCA expo breakout session in March

Business coach Jeremiah Webb, owner of Shop on Fire, a professional training and coaching firm that includes business, professional and personal development training, will present, “Turn Complete Opposition into Sales” at the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) conference in Orlando, Florida, on March 12. “One of the biggest challenges HVAC professionals face daily is […]

The Power Of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking Positive thinking is not just uplifting but remarkably transformative. It’s almost magical how your mindset can reshape your world. My journey, alongside witnessing others’, has solidified my belief in the profound and positive impact of maintaining a positive mindset. Both positive and negative thoughts possess immense power, yet they lead to diametrically opposite […]

The Power And Importance Of Parent Coaching

Does your autistic child do well in therapy but misbehave at home? It’s a fairly typical situation that can be resolved with ease. Parent coaching is the solution. Positive changes in Kevin’s conduct at home will become apparent when you know how to deal with challenging behavior the way Jeremiah does. I swear to that! […]

How To Grow a Small Electrical Business and Double Your Sales?

How To Grow a Small Electrical Business and Double Your Sales?

When you first enter a competitive industry, queries like “How do I market an electrical business?” or “How do I grow a small electrical business?” come to mind. The electrical industry is competitive and demanding. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that between 2019 and 2026, the employment of electrical contractors will increase by 9%. […]

Increase Sales and Lower Employee Turnover at the Same Time

pic of Jeremiah getting pumped up

Hello, this is Jeremiah Webb with Peak Results Consulting (now called Shop On Fire). A question that we’ve been getting asked a lot right now is how do we increase our brand? How do we increase customer loyalty? How do we deepen relationships and grow even more our product? And the answer is first and […]