Lead generation is essential for small businesses as it drives targeted traffic, increases brand awareness, and builds a steady pipeline of potential customers. By identifying and engaging with prospects who are genuinely interested in your services, lead generation helps maximize your marketing efforts and convert inquiries into loyal clients. This focused approach not only saves time and resources but also fosters sustainable growth as campaigns get optimized, ensuring your business stays competitive and thrives in a crowded marketplace.



Lead generation is for any business or organization looking to grow its customer base, increase sales, or expand its market presence. It’s particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses, startups, and service providers who need to connect with potential customers but may have limited marketing budgets. Whether you’re a B2B company seeking new clients, a local business targeting nearby consumers, or an online retailer looking to boost sales, lead generation can help you reach the right audience, nurture relationships, and drive business growth.

Why Lead
generation is important to your business?

Lead generation is crucial for a business because it fuels growth by consistently bringing in new potential customers. It helps businesses target the right audience, ensuring that marketing efforts are focused on individuals or organizations most likely to convert into paying customers. Effective lead generation increases sales opportunities, reduces the cost of customer acquisition, and enhances overall marketing efficiency. By maintaining a steady flow of leads, businesses can sustain revenue, scale operations, and remain competitive in their industry.

business man with cup

When you generate high quality leads, you’re able to:


Lead generation directly contributes to increasing a business’s revenue by systematically identifying and attracting potential customers who are most likely to convert into paying clients. By focusing on qualified leads—those who have shown interest or have a need for the product or service—a business can streamline its sales efforts, reducing time and resources spent on unproductive prospects. This targeted approach boosts conversion rates and drives more sales, leading to higher revenue. Additionally, consistent lead generation helps maintain a steady flow of new business opportunities, ensuring continuous growth and profitability.

Improve Your Sales Process

Lead generation enhances a business’s sales process by providing a steady stream of qualified prospects, allowing sales teams to study their phone calls and improve their sales conversion rates. By gathering valuable data during the lead generation phase, businesses can better understand their target audience’s needs, preferences, pain points, and analyze sales calls, enabling them to tailor their sales pitches more effectively. This targeted approach not only shortens the sales cycle but also improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team, leading to higher conversion rates and a more refined, customer-centric sales process.


Lead generation is vital for helping businesses thrive in hard times by ensuring a continuous stream of potential customers, even when the market is challenging. During economic downturns or industry shifts, a strong lead generation strategy allows businesses to tap into new markets and uncover opportunities that may not have been explored before. By maintaining a robust pipeline of qualified leads, companies can sustain their revenue, adapt to changing customer needs, and stay competitive. This proactive approach not only helps businesses weather tough periods but also positions them to emerge stronger when conditions improve.


Lead generation is crucial for building a sustainable business model as it consistently fuels the sales pipeline with potential customers. By identifying and attracting qualified leads, businesses can ensure a steady flow of prospects, which leads to increased conversions and revenue. This continuous influx of potential clients enables a business to grow and adapt to market changes, reducing reliance on a few key customers and promoting long-term stability. 


Working with our lead generation team is your first step toward geometric growth for your business and a happier, more productive team. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with a Lead Generation Specialist today to start achieving your goals.


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Return on investment must be measure based on your customers LTV (lifetime value), not the initial profit made on that job.

Campaigns need at least 3 months of optimization to eliminate most leads that are not qualified. After that, you can start measuring return on investment which will continue to improve over time with ongoing performance  optimizations. 

It will depend on your monthly budget, competition in your area, website design and your particular offer. 

We can run estimates, but we will have a better idea once the campaigns have been running and accruing data for at least one month. 

Remember that you need to give digital campaigns time to be optimized for performance before measuring ROI.

To calculate ROI from digital marketing using the Lifetime Value (LTV) of your customers, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the LTV: Calculate how much revenue a typical customer generates for your business over their entire relationship with you (on average). This includes all purchases they make and any recurring revenue.

  2. Calculate Total Marketing Costs: Add up all the costs associated with your digital marketing efforts.

  3. Measure Revenue from Marketing: Track how much revenue your digital marketing campaigns have generated. This includes sales directly attributed to your marketing efforts.

  4. Calculate ROI: Subtract the total marketing costs from the revenue generated by your marketing campaigns. Then, divide that number by the total marketing costs. Finally, multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

    ROI = (Revenue from Marketing − Marketing Costs  / Marketing Costs) × 100


If the ROI is positive, it means your marketing efforts are bringing in more money than you’re spending, which is a good sign that your campaigns are effective.

Because we need to train the algorithm on how to find the most qualified leads for your business, and that takes time. We need to accrue and analyze the data to  remove data points that are generating less qualified leads. Here are some examples:

The google algorithm will still show your ads for search terms it finds to be a “close variant” of your most targeted keywords. These close variantes may be competitor terms, job seekers or research related terms. As we see these irrelevant terms, we can exclude them from the campaign so your ads don’t appear for these less relevant search terms. 

As we accrue more data we can also optimize for various segments of the campaign, mobile, desktop, time of day, days of the week, search partners, ad copy tests, locations and different bid levels. 

As you can see, the results will likely improve over time as we gather more data to optimize the campaigns. That’s why we need at least 3 months to see if google ads is a good solution for your business. 

In general a minimum of $2,000/month in ad spend (excluding management fees). Some industries and areas would require a higher ad spend budget due to their competition.  

There are several reasons for why you may not see your ads. 

Google needs to rotate your ads with the competition because there are limited slots for how many ads google can display at once. So if there are 15 companies advertising for the same keywords, google will only show 3-4 ads at a time. 

The second reason is because your daily ad spend budget might have been spent for that day. 

In order for your ads to show 90-100% of the time, you will need to invest a LOT of capital and bid really high, which may result in overbidding and an extremely high cost per lead. Resulting in a lower ROI. 

We do not recommend this when starting out.Â