Increase Sales and Lower Employee Turnover at the Same Time

pic of Jeremiah getting pumped up

Hello, this is Jeremiah Webb with Peak Results Consulting (now called Shop On Fire). A question that we’ve been getting asked a lot right now is how do we increase our brand? How do we increase customer loyalty? How do we deepen relationships and grow even more our product? And the answer is first and […]

Creating Raving Fans Even via Collections


Greetings, this is Jeremiah Webb with Peaks Results Consulting. (Shop On Fire) Have you established in your company, your division, your workplace, your crew, your members, whatever. That the number one thing they must be obsessed with is to create a raving fan, whether it’s in IT, sales, customer service, troubleshooting, problem-solving, even accounting and […]

How to Get More Out of Your Employees Immediately


So the question I get asked a lot is, Jeremiah, how do you go into these companies and totally change the culture and turn it around? How do you do that? How do you get the results you’re getting out of these people? How do you get their employee effort to go from a three […]

Great CSR’s Don’t Listen, They Discover


Greetings, it’s Jeremiah Webb with Peak Results Consulting (now Shop On Fire), and I want to talk to you today about a couple of things. Number one is to understand a great CSR doesn’t listen, they discover. Everything we hear is based on a series of questions that we ask, and also the way that […]

Why Shouldn’t Inbound Reps Make Outbound Calls?


Hello, this is Jeremiah Webb with Peak Results Consulting (Shop On Fire). I would like to talk to you about an issue that we see popping up all over the country in call centers across this great land of ours. And that is the idea that many people have that they’re trying to combine inbound […]